
Word - 1/30


Pronunciation :

US : /kəmpjuˈtɪŋ/
UK : /kəmpjuˈtɪŋ/

Word Meaning : The act of calculating something.

Synonyms : Computation, Calculation, Computer Science, Calculating, Calculate

Antonyms : Arts, Classics, Conjecturing, Culture, Environment

Sentence: They both work in computing.

Task - 1 : Listen sound and Record your Voice

Press the record button and record your voice

Pronounciation feedback will appear here after you record.

Task - 2 : Frame a sentence using computing.

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Phrases for informing or directing someone in the opening lines of your email:

  • 1. I am writing to you with regards to…
  • 2. I am writing to you to follow up on…
  • 3. I wanted to let you know that…
  • 4. Your action is needed regarding…
  • 5. Please see the following update
  • 6. This is a quick note about…
  • 7. Please acknowledge your receipt of this documentation by…
  • 8. The following is to inform you of...

Task - 1:

Frame a sentence using following phrase :
I wanted to let you know that . . .

Test - 1/10

Write a Sick leave request email to your manager in Correct Format?

Subject: Sick day today

Dear Jatin sir ji,

I anticipate being able to return to work tomorrow, I was writing to make you know that I was willing to taking a sick day today due to disease. But will confirm early tomorrow morning.

Data entry operator

Subject: Sick leave notification

Dear Jatin,

I am writing to let you know that I will be taking a sick day today due to illness. I anticipate being able to return to work tomorrow, but will confirm early tomorrow morning.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Data entry operator


Read question and choose write answer:

Q1. I am writing to you with regards to………

  • A Making a formal request
  • B Expressing gratitude
  • C Introducing a new topic
  • D Offering condolences

Answer: (C) Expressing gratitude

Explanation: The phrase "with regards to" is commonly used to introduce a new topic or subject matter in a formal or professional context.

Language Lab

Business Communication

Topics: 10, Sub-topics: 127


Types of Sentences

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